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  • R6

    Starline R6 Waterproof Wireless Digital Relay

    This is the Starline R6 Waterproof Wireless Digital Relay.

    This wireless digital relay uses an encrypted Bluetooth signal to pass control signals between the connected anti theft controller and the relay. The R6 is waterproof and engineered to be installed under the hood (engine compartment of any vehicle).

    The Starline R6 also includes the Starline ST-TEMP temperature sensor, and a built in motion sensor. Both sensors can be used in many unique, high security anti theft settings, thereby making the vehicle highly secure from theft methods.

    The Starline R6 can also be used as a control method for Starline brand electronic hood locks.

    The Starline R6 Digital Relay is compatible with:
    Starline i96CAN (all models)
    Starline E9 (all models)